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Silly picture question

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Sylvia...you first have to have your avaitar photo posted some place on the net...like a personal website or as some of us use Webshots..... Once on the net you shouldn't have much trouble uploading to the forum. If you can't get it just let me know and maybe either I or someone can walk you though it.

Other photos you can place by first shrinking in a paint program and then uploading...they must be pretty small in volumn before they will post.

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I finally got it last nite-Go to "How to use this forum" FAQ, 2nd page , 2nd post from the bottom-"Posting a picture" it spelled it out step by step once I figured out how small to make picture(Pixels?) it worked!!!! We resized mine down to 35%. and still alittle big but it posted!:):):)


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