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Finally finished!! The mother of all frogger quilts!

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Here is the little quilt that first of all, I couldn't decide what to do with it. Then when I did, I frogged ALLOT!!!:mad: Every time my DH walked into the room, I was frogging!! And when he didn't hear my Gracie running, he would ask if I was ripping again! ......yes:(

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Linda, did you reduce the size of the photo?? I use Paint and Image and then skew and something.. do you have any punctuation marks of any kind, in the title of the photo? My experience is any thing even a . will prevent it from loading.. did you click on the preview button? That will only delete the photo.. Please try again.. I'd like to see your success...


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Hi Linda. Take the pict you want to use and open it in Paint.. on top left.. select the Image button, then down 2 lines I think it is select Resize/Skew. in the top two boxes on the left of the new pop up window.. where it shows 100 % put in anthying from 35-50%. It will depend on the quality of the pict you have selected on your camera. I use 40% or 35%.. in both boxes. select ok. The pict wil show smaller.. then Save AS to get it back to your photo program.. where you got it to start with.

I have used Olympus and Hewlett Packard programs, both are different and I had to search around and try diff. things to figure out how to do it. Easiest for me, now is to click and drag the photo to the desktop, then open with Paint and continue from there. Save changes and it will appear changed on your desktop. I rename it also, and delete the original. then come here and use the reply button, rather than this quick reply at the bottom.. click browse below the chat box, and do NOT use preview, or it will delete it. Hope this is right and helps you..


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