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hate waiting

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I want to quilt - one on the frame is half done - love the CL swirls!!!!

Mary Beth - finally started my Samuri Blocks - loved your swirls so much, I just had to copy. My top was done prior to your post, but was so excited to see it done. Hope you don't mind. My border is different as well as the back. Used QD Dream Puff and love the feel!! Will post when it is done and binding on. Will be a repeat to everyone, but can't be original all the time......

Have to quit for now and wait for a repair man. I know if my baby is just trucking along, I won't hear the doorbell and DH would not be a happy camper. Priorities....

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Ok - he finally came - Yeah. Merrily getting my quilt done and about 3/4's of the way down I realized that the left side was a bit longer than the right. Worked some in and then added the starch - now waiting for it to dry but does seem to be working. It wasn't that far off, but enough that it would have bugged me. Plus I was lucky enough to have used Dream Puff!!!! Little did I know how lucky I would be. So now it is my fault I am waiting..............

PS - glad you are up and running!!!! Did you replug your cutter wires or are you leaving those unplugged for now?

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