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A question for Victoriasews...and others

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You mentioned a few other countries that you have done quilts for...Did they get them from you personally? Did you mail them?? The reason I am asking is the woman in Italy had to have them to take back with her, Her husband translated for me that if they were sent in the mail they would more than likely NEVER recieve them. I of course offered to DELIVER them to her if they paid the delivery fee:D:D:D but they said they would just take them.:(:(. any way I was curious if you do mail them - how do you send them?? Anyone???


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International shipping is problematic.

South America is the worst--graft and theft is rampant--many items are stolen and if not usable for the thief, damaged or destroyed.

Europe is better but there are many stops and "inspections" where something beautiful or useful just disappears.

We are blessed to live where we do and have the safety and security that we enjoy. My DH ships all over the world and has stories that would scare you!

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