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Wavy borders

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Have pieced for years but never heard of making the border a scant shorter (1%). I measure everything as I go along - and have been known to make every block a smidgen smaller, especially when bias cuts are involved or make a smidgen larger and cut down. This has always helped keep everything square. I love, love, love, starch!!!!! Double ck measurements for borders etc, but again never heard of making them shorter. Do you do this on all quilts even if the measurements you start with are correct? Does this account for any stretching that might occur? Just a new thought to me. Do any of the rest of you use this technique? I have to admit that I am self taught - books are wonderful - talking with others is wonderful. I just keep learning.

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meg.. don't tell anyone.. but I don't measure. When I piece I square up as I go. when I do a quilt for someone else I square it as best I can before quilting it.. If it needs it. I just cut the border fabric in strips.. miter the ends together and apply. I do NOT stretch the border, but I do put a wee bit of tension on it. If it cups or warps, you are stretching.. I do the same when applying the first seam of a binding.. just a little tension on it will keep the binding from being too full on the hand sewn side.

I do have a little handout about fitting a border or several on, without waves or warps to deal with later. I also have at times said, I know this doesn't apply to you but maybe you know someone who could use is, especially if they are just starting. I know quite well they will read it first.


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Rita - I do measure, but I guess I do as you do and use a slight bit of tension & my border is always on top when I apply - probably from my dressmaking days. So, in the end, maybe my borders are a tad shorter even though I don't think about it. If I think the fabric will be difficult, I miter the corners because it is the easies to adjust if necessary - plus looks good on most quilts. Most of my measuring is on my very oversized ironing board. I can use pins instead of constant measuring - makes life a whole lot easier. Once the pins are in the board for the 1st measurement - slide the quilt up or down and compare the width. If there is a difference I note that. It is much easier than constant measuring and I am not influenced by a number. I know that I am very picky about what I do. If I do start LA'ing quilts for others, I will probably start pulling my hair out and be glad that I have read so many of these posts.

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