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changing wheels...I need help

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Hello Everyone,

I was hopeing there was someone out there who could help me today. I am in the process of taking my Edge Rider wheels off of my machine and putting the original wheels back on. For the life of me, I cannot remember which washer I should be using and which screw I should be using. Does anyone know the length of the screw for the original wheels? And which washer goes where?

Thanks for your help!


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I am having problems with my machine and am trying to determine if the edge rider wheels are the reason. I developed a really bad vibration in the head of my Millie when I go slowly. Usually it happens toward the belly bar, but sometimes it happens in the middle. I actually spoke with Mark about the Edge rider wheels quite awhile ago and he said that they did do some testing on them in the factory. They found when the head of the machine sat for three months that the wheels did warp. I injured my back a few months ago and wasn't able to quilt for a few months. I noticed the vibration after that time and am wondering if the wheels have warped. I have to say, up until that time I loved the Edge Rider wheels. I was able to make smooth circles, had great control....I had an engineer friend of mine help me out with some adjustments and we were unsuccessful. So, I'm changing the wheels to see what the machine feels like with the original wheels on it again. I haven't had them on in over three years....which is why I can't remember who they were put on in the first place :)

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Just curious - went to the APQS maintenance class at Innovations earlier this month. Amy talked about the Edge Rider wheels and did talk about the test they ran on the wheels. What she did add was that this test was done quite some time ago. Since that point, Edge Rider has changed the product their wheels are made from and APQS has not tested the newer Edge Rider wheels. I also learned that if your machine is going to sit more than a few weeks, it should be removed from the table and stored in such a way that there is no undue pressure on the wheels. Probably best in the original box. This provides 2 benefits - better for the table & better for the head. Before changing the wheels, you might double check everything on your table - level every which way, etc. - just a thought about the table. Good luck and let me know your results - am very interested since I am considering the Edge Rider wheels. Thanks

PS - Also I do hope your back is much better. I have had lots of back problems so I sympathize!!

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Thanks Meg. I think I'll give Amy a call tomorrow and pick her brains. I wonder when they tested the wheels....I might have the older version.....I checked the table and it is level.....the vibration actually causes the head to jump up and down...the slower I go the worse it gets. i don't remember this type of thing happening in the past. I'll keep you posted.

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Also, level isn't the only thing to check - make sure that it is also exactly equal in width all the way down the table. Level & same width are very important according to Amy and I believe her because since I ck'd the width of mine and made a couple of minor adjustments - things have been better! Looking forward to your outcome.

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