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Your machines shouldn't vibrate. It means that something is not square or level. I would start by checking the base. Those are set at the factory but I would loosen it up and then check to make sure it is square. Next check your wheels to make sure none are leaking grease. Finally check your table. If you check all of these things call Amy and I'm sure she will come up with some other suggestions.

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A lot of times the vibration comes from the head wheel adjustments - if the wheels are set very loose, they allow the vibration to be more prominent. Try first adjusting the wheels a bit. Making sure the table is level, square, etc. is a big factor as well....I do have some instructions on checking out the table for 'perfection'...my thoughts are: if the table isn't perfect, you can adjust wheels 'til you're blue in the face and not get the movement you're looking for! Let me know if you would like me to e-mail these instructions to you....

Most machines have their own 'harmonic' point where the motor speed/vibration/general 'sound' of the machine is at it's best. Try adjusting motor speed or SPI a bit to see if that helps the machine find it's "Happy Place".

You can e-mail me direct at aanderson@apqs.com and I can send the instructions out for you!

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