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Circle Lord Vs Hartley Fence

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Has any done a comparison between the circle Lord and the Harltey Fence.? Is there any difference. They both appear to be the same price, but what would make one any better than the other? I'd never heard of the Circle Lord until last week when you all were discussing it. I'm very interested in purchasing something to help my quilting lines become straighter and more uniform. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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I have both. The Hartley Fence was the premium the month I bought my Millie. I tried it. I tried it again with my engineer DH watching, and he installed a brace to keep the circles round.

I bought a used Circle Lord a year later. The Circle Lord is much better. This is just my opinion, your mileage may vary. But I would buy the Circle Lord again.

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I owned the Hartley Fence, purchased it with my Millie. I absolutely could not use it. I took a class at MQS from Marilyn Badger, to try to learn the trick to using it and she talked about it, but the class did not help me. After 2 more years I purchased the workbook and was able to get through a Baptist Fan on a small baby quilt. It took me an afternoon to use the HF. I also tried using it for crosshatching, but nothing matched up. I was never able to make a complete circle. After much frustration I decided to take all the classes I could find and buy the video, I was going to learn to use this tool that cost me so much money. Then I had an AH-HA moment. If I spend all this money on classes, workbooks and videos just to be able to use this thing....why not just try to sell it and buy the Circle Lord. It seemed that everyone that had it loved it. So I put the HF up for sale....sold it...and have not missed it. I bought the CL and love it!! Love it!!

With the CL I was able to put it on the table with no assistance from anyone else...the HF is difficult to install alone. I was also able to put a template on the base and use it immediately with no problem. Making a compele circle is a breeze. This was by far the smartest move I have made.

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I have both and I use the both. I just recently got the Circle Lord and I love it.

But I have used my Hartley for almost two years now and make circles with ease and baptist fans with ease also. I did get Myrna Ficken's video and I did practice with it and have not had any problems. You go slow and as Myrna teaches, its like scraping the bowl of batter, pressure to the outside , not dragging. I love them both. I also have several of the templates for the HF and I used those alot for borders and centers for blocks and the paisley for all over.

I also like the Circle Lord for different things, not just circles. In fact, I have not made one circle with it, I use the templates. I have had it almost two months and its great fun.

I think they both have their pros and cons.

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A big thank you to all who responded to my questions. You have been very helpful. I was leaning toward the CL after watching the demo on the website, but now I feel pretty sure that's the one I want. My husband read all of your comments and now it's just a matter of him saying YES, so I can order one. ;) He's the best and very supportive of all my quilting activities. Thanks again everyone.

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