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Instruction on Posting Pictures & avatar

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I resize my pictures to 430 x 430 in my Paint program on the computer, then click on the little picture in "reply" when I post and upload.

Avatar: upload what you want to use to Webshots, click on imbedded link after, pick the one for forums, copy and past to your profile here.

Clear as mud? Maybe someone will explain it better.

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Gerri, I save all my pictures to Webshots as well. It is a free hosting site. Then, I view the album with the pics in it that I want to share on this forum, choose Other Sizes in the right hand column, and choose 425 megapixels. Then I copy the link next to Forum and paste to my post. I can add as many pics as I want this way to just one post. For the Avatar, I do the same thing, however, paste it under the Avatar link in the Users Control Panel.

Hope this helps.

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