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NQR Sciatica

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This is what helped me and I have passed it on to more than a few and it seemed to do the trick!! Hold onto the back of a chair and raise your leg straight out behind you. Sometimes I pulse it up and down and sometimes just repeating the up and down movement, You don't need to raise it overly high and sometimes it may take a couple of days to get relief. When I feel it coming on I do this exercise.

Hope this will help you!!


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Thanks, Bodgie for the exercise advice! I'll sure remember that if it happens again.

I'm all better now, and it was thanks to a technique my son had picked up. I must say that what he did was very painful (he warned me ahead of time!)...he had me really yelling out in pain, so that in the end my dog, Ruby, came and stood over me and finally lay down across my bum so that Casey would stop! That was on a Friday afternoon...Saturday I felt a bit better but it was hard to tell because my butt was so bruised...then Sunday better still, and on Monday I was only sore from the remedy!!!

I hope this never happens to me again!!!! (knock-on-wood) :)

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I"ve had chronic sciatica and trochanter bursitis since 1992. Chiropractors are great. My PT is wonderful.

GET TO THE SWIMMING POOL. Not to swim, but to walk and do exercises in the water. ( I tore the meniscus in both knees in the past 10 months and every step has hurt during that time)My daughter the PT has been harping at me for a couple of years to go to the pool.

This body should not be seen by the viewing public. had to get over that. My hubby and I go 3-4 times a week now at 8:30 at night...almost no one else is there. I feel so much better. side benefit: down 12 pounds in 2 weeks becaue I'm moving. I'ts hard to lose weight when you can't move.

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