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NQR Sciatica

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Went to the dr. yesterday after having pain for a few days and he said it was my sciatica. I'm just wondering if any of you could give me words of encouragement and what worked for you. The dr talked about chiropractic and massage which sounds fine but I don't really want to spend the money on a lot of treatments if it won't be effective. I think I'll call him back because I forgot to ask if it'll just go away and how long that would take! I was able to work at the LA yesterday, so I hope I'll be able to continue with that. Tried to sit and do some applique this morning and I think that is going to be out of the question for a while!

Thanks, Sandra

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I took a fall down the stairs at my house a few years ago. The pain in my lower back was intense and I tried the chiropractor first. He had me coming 3 times a week and I could see no difference, except my bank account. Then I went to a specialist and he said, "cronic back pain"....so another specialist said that he could operate and I would be 100% better - not!! Worse mistake I ever made. After surgery I was still miserable. Someone gave me the name of another chiropractor and even though I was afraid for him to crack my back, I needed to do something. He fixed it! If you find the right one, they can do wonders. Before I went to him I was not able to lift my feet to walk across the room and I cried with every step. After the first treatment I was better and it only took about 3 until I felt really good. Now I see him on occasionally. I really won't go two or three time a week at $50 a visit. But once in a while, when my back is out of whack I can go in and he helps me. Finding the right one is the trick.

Hope you get to feeling better. I know how painful that can be.

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Thank you, Mary Beth. I guess I will call the physio clinic today. They said they do an initial assessment to figure out the best line of treatment...chiro,massage, etc. There's probably no way around it, I'm going to have to spend the money and maybe I'd benefit from going sooner than later! How come it's so much easier to spend money on a new quilting DVD or fabric?????????

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Hi Sandra,

The following is a description of Sciatica:

Sciatica is nerve pain arising from the sciatic nerve. It can be produced by pressure on the nerve, where it passes through the buttock. Sciatica can be brought on by sitting on a hard seat. When your leg goes to sleep, that is also a form of sciatica.

The sciatic nerve is a large nerve, formed from nerve roots that originate from the spinal cord. These nerve roots pass out between the disc spaces and join up to form the sciatic nerve. It passes from the spine into the buttock, then into the back of the thigh and leg. The sciatic nerve controls sensation and function to the leg and foot. In sciatica, prolapsed or 'slipped' discs tend to bulge and press on the intervertebral nerve(s). This pressure irritates the nerve, causing referred pain.

Most cases of sciatica resolve by themselves within six weeks to three months. Sciatica can also be caused by narrowing of the nerve tunnel between discs due to osteoarthritis. Elderly people who suffer from disk degeneration as a consequence of ageing tend to be troubled the most by sciatica.

You really need to have a think of what you did to hurt yourself. Did you jar your lower back by tripping or overstretching , do you get it on a regular basis, is the the first time etc etc In other towrds, does it need medication or manipulation?

Mary Beth is right, if you are going to go to a chiropractor, make sure he/she is good, get references. a good one can make such a positive difference. I made my husband go after he kept falling asleep on the medication the doctor prescribed. I was not going to worry about whether he was going to have an accident on the home from work ....it was chiropractor or stay at work!!;) He was very sceptical but with the pain relief he became a believer!!


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Hi Sandra,

I had sciatica problems two years ago...went to Dr. and Chiropractor. The best thing I learned from the Chiropractor was to use ice packs alternating with heat. Heat causes the tissue to swell which will make the pain worse. The ice helped ALOT. I eventually stopped going to the Chiropractor and just let time take care of it. Sitting for any length of time was not an option but, I eventually got over it. I still can't sit in the football stands without using a good cushion though!


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My 2 cents:

I had sciatica REALLY bad at one point and time. My chiropractor was out with pneumonia for 8 weeks. During that time, I had to be on crutchces it hurt so bad to try and walk. I iced, was on muscle relaxers (regular dr.s answers to all back pain) and nothing helped until I went to the Chiropractor. I walked OUT of the Chiropractors office WITHOUT crutches. Yes, I saw him for 2 x a week for 3 weeks, then once a week for 2 weeks, then once a month for 2 months. I have NOT had it happen again!

I firmly believe there are good Christian Chiropractors out there, and then there are literal BONE CRACKERS (if you get my drift.)

The bone that's pushing against the sciatic nerve usually won't go back into place with out a couple treatments at the chiropractor. If it's swollen around there, the bone will only move so far. So as swelling starts to go down( and it does take time) each adjustment will move the bone farther away from the sciatic nerve.

Same thing happened to my hubby a couple yrs ago (who NEVER said he'd go to a chiropractor.) He has since changed his mind!

Again, just my 2 cents.

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This happens to my DH every once in a while (once a year, maybe) and the chiropractor that we go to puts him on a special table that pivots in the middle. He lays face down and his feet are strapped to the bottom then he pushes on his lower back as he rotates the bottom of the table. It stretches that part of the back and pops things back into place. DH swears by it, he can be really hurting and go in for one treatment and not need another one for a long time.

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I married a chiropractor.

Chiropractic is the only thing that will fix the cause of the problem. Everything else just covers up the symptoms. Even surgery (when successful, which is not always) only fixes the symptoms temporarily, but whatever imbalance caused the problem in the first place continues and causes future problems.

If you look around you, the people who get regular chiropractic adjustments are the healthiest people, and the sickest people are those who never have or never will.

Heat "works temporarily" because heat sensations and pain sensations travel the same nerve pathway, and heat sensations can override the pain sensations, but only temporarily.

Ask around for recommendations. Every chiropractor uses a slightly different method. All chiropractors can help sciatica, although some methods are better than others for a particular person.

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Sandra, I too suffer from chronic sciatica and am a nurse who used to have access to a fine group of physicians who I could ask questions of and not be charged. One neuro-surgeon told me to either stand or lie down when the sciatica was flaring. A couple years ago, I had the opportunity to be working with a physicial therapist--he gave me a series of stretching exercises that has helped me more than anything ever has. Yes, cold and heat therapy helps, drugs do not but the stretching works--you might see if you could get a referral to a physicial therapist--once you have the exercises, you can do them at home. Hope this helps and hope you are feeling better soon.

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I work for a chiropractor (the good Christian type), we deal with this problem on a regular basis. I agree with AnnHenry...people that have regular chiropractic care are rarely sick. In the last 16 years I have rarely been sick, occasionally I get sinus infection. But considering the diseases I have I'm still working and quilting. I would highly recommend chiropractic & massage therapy.

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Okay, I just want to say one thing about chiropractic. Mine has helped me to walk normal again and I appreciate that. However, I have been in to see him and he does some silly test and then says "wait a minute". Then he took a bottle of iron tablet and laid the bottle on my chest and then did the test again and said, this is not joke...said, "Ah, you are low in iron." He laid the bottle on my chest!! That is not a test for iron deficiency. Iron is not something you mess around with. Sorry, I do draw the line. My great grandfather was an herb doctor in southern Missouri. My parents are very superstitious, but it stops there. I won't be sucked into that kind of 'medicine". He can put me back together, but he is not going to tell me what to take.

Just beware with chiropractic. I'm sorry to all of you who totally believe in them, and I mean no disrespect. I just don't because of things like that.

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Very long Old story, which I'll keep short. Have had low back sciatica and lumbar problems since I was a kid. didn't get decent treatment until we lived in OR. about 10 years ago. Even that wasn't the best. the best is my Dr. here in

Sanford.. He will not touch me unless he knows he can help. he never once kept me coming back time after time, nor for extended times.. He said ice the first 3 days, for only 10 min. every 3 or 4 hours, then heat or heat/ice whichever seems to help the most, or it could be reversed to ice/heat.

Sitting for extended periods, or lifting, reaching, bending over, can all keep it irritated and prolong the healing period.

Since I had the implant he won't lay a finger on me without written instructions of what and where, from my spinal Dr. They both respect each other immenseley, though they've never met. Why, because neither will put me at risk with ANY treatment which could harm at all. I respect and like them both.

You may have to search thru severall chiro's to find one who doesn't do weird things, have you back 3 X a week for weeks, then 2X etc.

Dr. Dejarlais said about half the healing has to come from the patient doing what they should and not doing what they shouldn't, proper posture and a good sleeping surface. Hoping healing comes fast.. also, when you first hurt yourself, don't put off going to the chiro, it only takes longer to heal.


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Well, thank you all so much for all the advice! I was going to put off doing anything til Monday hoping that it would be getting better, but each day seems to get a bit worse so I think I'll be calling the clinic this afternoon and get on it. I'm supposed to drive my daughter back to university on Sunday but I don't think that will be happening...it was enough just driving for groceries this morning...glad Jen was with me to help with the lifting.

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One of the best things that I have found for lower back pain is after an adjustment and massage I get plenty of waterto drink afterwards, a good warm soaky bath( usually with Lavendar:)) and a good night's rest. ;)

Too many times with chiropractic adjustments you will be feeling worse then before. Usually very temporary due to the realignment of the spine and the repositioning of the muscles to relax.

As a prevention, I do lower back and core muscle exercises. I use the bender ball technique and find that the videos are nicely paced. I always try to walk at least 15 to 20 minutes a day.

Please start feeling better soon.We all can relate to your pain and the fear of trying something new.

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In the mid 70's I had 4 lower back surgeries. L1-5 are fused. My sciatica seems to almost always be acting up. Since I got the longarm 15 months ago, it's been bothering me more, but my life has changed too with what I'm doing. I stopped working out at Curves because it was only aggrivating it even more. But, I'm hoping I have a bit of a handle on it now, we shall see. My mom told her chiropractor about me and he told her he would love to see me. I asked her if the consult would be free and she said no. I had one chiropractor tell me he could help me, but with the fussion I have, I am not sold. I just feel like I would be wasting my money when I'm not certain they can help me. So, I will start working out again and try to get some lbs off and hopefully it will help. I do know that stretching does help! I just haven't been good about those excercises in a long time. I feel for those that have this pain! For years my hip was almost numb from the pain. At that time, Curves helped me be almost pain free for a couple of years. Now, the sciatica will catch and it almost puts me on the ground. It can be quite debilitating.

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Look for the cd "Yoga Renewal" Jim Gillen



This is a pop-up program for the computer to assist you in stretching throughout the day.


These two have helped me greatly. I went to an alternative physician, biofeedback, and lifestyle counseling. I'm stubborn about medical doctors, drugs, and surgery--don't want any of it.

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I've suffered on and off since 1969 (when I was pg) with sciatica. Three years ago I could not walk. My regular doctor sent me to a back specialist. I wanted to avoide surgery so he sent me to a pain specialist (MD). I had 2 rounds of injections over a 6 month period .... took a long time but it finally got better. Mine was so swollen from using heat that the 1st time the medication had no place to go inside. And yes you must be faithful in doing your exercise ... they help alot. I also sleep with a pillow under my legs to reduce pressure. Chiro did nothing for me, in fact, it made it worse.

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Guest Linda S

Sciatica? Yep - that rings a bell. I had a three-level spinal fusion in November. I had exhausted all other methods of treatment and my three discs were torn all the way through from left to right. The recovery has been long and very slow, but I'm finally getting my life back.


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I was the ultimate naysayer about chiropractic care until I moved to Dallas. It just so happened that the medical doctor I was going to was a DO (Doctor Osteopathic) instead of an MD. I didn't know the difference when I first started going to him. They are everything an MD is, a fully licensed doctor, plus they have training in chiropracty. They have a more holistic approach to medicine, not just looking in your ears because you have an ear ache. They take everything into consideration. My last pregnancy was pretty rough, I got huge. My OB doctor (also a DO) popped my back when I was 9 months pregnant, and then and there I became a believer. If you're not comfortable going to a chiropracter, then consider trying to find a good DO doctor.

Terri S.

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Having spent years with severe back issues and living on pain killers for 10 years & also have gone through 6 back surgeries, I have learned a few things.

First - make sure you are going to the best doctor - one who has done a fellowship involving back issues if possible.

Always have some sort of Xray/MRI. It is very difficult for any doctor to truly tell what is wrong without one. My first surgery came about because the doc did not take an Xray, put me into therapy which proceeded to cause much bigger issues & finally led to my first fusion. The Xray will help determine what the issues are and can be very beneficial in determining what type of exercises/therapy should be done.

A good chiropractor will also take Xrays if that is the route you select. If he does not - then move on to someone else.

Do not stay with any doctor that wants to force surgery - yes, I have had 6, but each was when I was ready and knew that no other treatment was going to work. A good doctor will encourage you to make your own choice - he/she will inform you of what is going on, various ways to deal with the issues & then proceed with what you have chosen (including following up with a second opinion - good doctors encourage 2nd opinions! and are not intimidated by what others have to say).

Finally, whatever exercise/stretching program you go on - stay with it. It will make all the difference. Most times, just a time or two with the PT will give you enough time to learn what exercises/stretching is right for your back issues - they should provide good print outs of what you need to do so you don't forget.

I am finally pain free without drugs (over a year now) & love my doctor. I wish you luck - backs can be tricky.

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