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mqx banquet

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Just wondering if anyone going to MQX are signed up to go to the Friday night banquet and if so, What is the dress code.

If anyone has gone before, just wondering if this is a come as you are after classes thing or is it something a little more dressy, have to know how to pack. Dress slacks, skirts, or t shirt and jeans affair? any input would be appreciated.

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Yes, I'll be there....its pretty much whatever you want... Some come in really really fancy party clothes, but you mostly will see people in their Sunday Best.

I will be wearing nice pair of dress slacks, heels, and suede jacket... Hope that helps.

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I'm glad you brought this up because I wasn't going to pack anything but jeans! LOL I guess I'll be putting in a decent outfit! I'll be there with Charlotte! We should all try to meet up. You might want to consider wearing depends as well because Mark Lipinski is a riot! He came to our guild 2 months ago and he was a riot!

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