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Thank you to Amy

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My Machine, (she has the name of "Molly"), has been at the "spa" in Iowa for a bit...getting a full "treatment." I have called a couple of times to check on her, to be sure she was behaving...(she has been)

I finally sent an email yesterday, because I hadn't heard all of what she was going to need to happen before she is able to come home healthy...and I was beginning to stress about the time that she has been there. (okay, I miss her, and I have quilts piling up waiting to be quilted)

Amy, (bless her heart), called me yesterday afternoon, and had taken the time to pull Molly apart and explain to me all of what needs to be done...(she's never been to the spa before, and needed some TLC)

I think Molly will be on her way home either today or tomorrow...All shiny, and happy to work again...

I just wish I felt all shiny and ready to work...;)

Thank you again to Amy who took the time after receiving my email of concern to respond to me, and check on Molly.

I am SO looking forward to her coming home from her "spa" treatments...It reminds me of when my kids used to go to camp...

Have a great day...

Karen Burns

Compulsive Quilting

Carnation, Washington

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I, too, can thank Amy for getting George back on his feet. He had been blowing fuses and she was able to fix him in a couple of hours while I got to check the local quilt shops. I was close enough to personally deliver him there and back home in the same day. Great reception by each who I dealt with. Thanks.

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