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Ready to throw in the towel

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Peggy. I saw in another post you said you were using prewounds... Is this where you are getting your tension issues? Prewounds have no weight to them so when you do the drop test they really don't drop that far. The weight of the bobbin has a "big" factor in the tension. I find with prewounds I really, I mean really need to loosen the tension on the case to the point that there is no tension on the case. Try that and see if it works. Now if you go back to metal bobbins, then you will need to really adjust the opposite way, because of the weight of the bobbin.

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Peggy I can't give you any addition help, those before me have covered ot all very well....but I will say honestly....you aren't the only one who has felt this way.

We all have at one time or another felt it just wasn't worth the hassle, the customers or the family upsets to do this. You will work through this and whatever you decide it will be best. The machine will bond with you soon...you are totally on the right road with the bitty things that have been not right. Once they are all fixed you will be happy and the machine will purr like a kitten for you.

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Thanks Bonnie, you are so sweet. Everyone has been soo helpful. I believe I have my table and wheels all set, and that has helped a lot. Still need to talk to Sherri B. about this though. Still struggling with tension. Decided to take today to do some piecing instead of fooling with it. I do have someone local coming over tomorrow to help me out. I plan on making a few more adjustments and maybe add/remove a few things from the machine and then giving myself until the end of the year before I make any drastic decisions. I have a few classes planned and I'm now back to my three 12hr. shifts a week at work, so plenty of time to PPP. It is a little more difficult in the warm months though because we boat. DH wants me at the marina every week-end. I do love it, but it cuts in to my quilting time. We made a deal. At least 30-60 minutes a day to quilt, then boating. We'll see how long that lasts :P.

Thanks for words of encouragement,


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