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Judges comments at Paducah

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You are not alone, Linzie, and big time congratulations for having a quilt accepted into Paducah!

I have these things happen to me, all the time. For instance, our quilt Awesome Blossoms went to one show, where the judge said the border did not go with the body of the quilt, and it didn't even get an Honorable Mention. It went directly to the next show (a show of equal importance) where the judge said the border was a stroke of genius---and it won Best of Show! Go figure. I had another quilt win an award for Best Use of Color at one show, only to go to another show where the judge said I needed improvement in my use of color!!

The comments above are right on---make your quilts to please yourself. If they do well when you send them out into the quilt world---that's a bonus! But---do think about what the judges say, because sometimes they're seeing something that we are too involved to see.

Keep makin' those innovative quilts!

Claudia Myers

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