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My wheels were grabbing.......

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My wheels started grabbing and it felt like I had thread wrapped around one so I cleaned everything I could think of and still had this grabbing problem. I had Mel call APQS and they emailed pictures of how to align the wheels. APQS is so prompt. but that was not the problem.

Problem turned out that one of my wheels had a flat spot.

Mel found it and turned the wheel upside down.

Now life is good again.

I had forgotten that a few days ago I ran over a leather bracelet that was left on the table. Mel had to come and get it unstuck.

Mel has saved the day for me so many times.

Maxine Gregory


Hillsboro, Or;)

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Originally posted by lizziesgirl

Just curious, do you have issues like this with edgerider wheels?

Glad to hear you found your problem right away...and to answer Sheryl's question. I wouldn't think so, they aren't really hard, they are a solid plastic, but not a rigid one. Does that make sense....I don't have the millie wheels, but the ones I have when I've run up against something it actually stops the machine, you can't run over anything. Its like a wedge and you need to back off or go around ....so if something falls into the path of the machine I know it right away. :P;)

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