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dry erase markers

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HELP!!!! I need to know if it is possible to remove dry erase marker from a quilt. I neglected to put painters tape around the edge of the plexiglass and got some marker on a customer quilt. I know I read a thread about this not too long back. Any suggestions anyone.... I've not found anything on the marker website that will help. Thanks in advance.


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Shelia, I had this very same thing happen to me, I tried all kinds of things, in fact, too many as I think they counteracted on each other. but two successful things that made my dark black on white fade almost completely away was Grandma's Spot Remover or whatever it is called, I am at work and away from my studio so not sure of the name, and also some Oxyclean stuff in a blue spray bottle. A word of warning, I did not put anything between my top and the batting and back and all my adding moisture and stuff I ended up with a huge black smudge on the back which was a white muslin. I ended up using Grandma's stuff on a q-tip and rubbing very gently and got most of it out. as this was a wall hanging I wasn't worried about it being washed. I showed my customer and she was okay with what I had managed to remove. Had to discount it just because I felt the need to do that. Good luck and let us know what works for you. I tried the hairspray and the Sew Clean and got nowhere with those products.

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Shelia, I too tried everything in the first post and I was able to get about 90% of the "blue" mark out. One thing that did happen is that because the mark was on white on white fabric, part of the white design on the fabric was rubbed off. I bought every type of remover mentioned so now I have them all!!:P:P - And as Bekah said, I think that some of them counteracted with each other. Sorry that I don't have better news, but I don't keep my dry erase pens near my studio anymore. If I feel the need to show a sample of quilting, I use the dry erase board and draw in the block's approx. size and the stitching pattern I'm trying to explain. Yes it isn't as quick, but when you consider the days that I spend trying to get the mark out of the white fabric, it is a better choice. Let us know if you find something that really works for you. :P

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Heidi - I did try that and it didn't work on my spot. I know that there is more than one manufacturer of dry erase pens and it didn't work for my brand, but it would be worth trying to see if a different brand of dry erase pen could be removed with it.

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Guess what Shelia.....I did the same thing on a top earlier in the week and nothing I tried worked to remove the green spot on the white tone on tone sash. From nail polish remover, spirits, carpet cleaner, baby wipes etc. I finally called the owner and luckly she had more of the fabric. I removed and replaced the strip.

Good luck. If you find a "cure" please let me know. Not that there will be a next time :cool:


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Well I have pretty much tried all of the above solutions with no good results. I have talked to the customer and she doesn't have any more fabric and the shop where she purcahsed it doesn't have any either. I have looked at all the local shops with no success. It is a fairly dark burdundy tone on tone with a houndstooth print. If anyone has anything like that I would be interested. The customer has been wonderful and just told me not to worry about it and just go ahead and quilt it. It is in the wide border and would be easy to replace if I could find the fabric. I don't know the line of fabric and don't want the customer to know I'm still looking for it because she really doesn't want me to go to so much trouble but I feel really bad about it. Even though it is not going to be that noticeable when it is done, I still know it is there. I have had my longarm for a little less than a year and I have learned something on every quilt I have done. However, this is not the way I want to learn on customer quilts. I have had customers from day one and everyone seems to be really impressed with my work. Just hate to make stupid mistakes like this one. Needless to say I now have a wide strip of blue painter's tape around the edges of the plexiglass. Not sure if I will ever use it again though.

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OK you need to keep beating yourself up! IT happens and it really gets us upset but things happen for a reason. OK so do this, take a picture of the fabric and post it. We'll all look in our stash to see if any of have it. I have lots of burgandy fabrics and you never know! Sorry to hear none of these solutions worked to help remove the spot. OK I just had a thought. At work we have dry erase board cleaner. I just looked at the package to see what it was made of and there is no info. I wonder if it would work on fabric? Worth a try anyway.

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