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My Nemesis!!! FLANNEL!!!!

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I swore I would never do another flannel quilt since I had issues with the first almost a year ago. I decided to bite the bullet and try and quilt on flannel again (mhy own project) and am again having issues. I have a flannel pieced top and a flannel bottom. I thought I would try wool batting since I had that on hand and am using Superior Bottom Line Thread (60 wt) w/prewound bobbins. I feel like the whole thing is too thick and I am getting loose stitches occasionally on the top and thread breakage. Currently, I am ripping am wondering what the best approach is. Any suggestions would be appreciated and used. :(

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I just finished a flannel quilt, both flannel on top and bottom. 2layers of bamboo batting in between. I used Maxilok Swirls on top and prewound on the bottom and i think here is the trick. Use a big needle, like a 4 or 4.5. The thread just glides thru it and goes forever without a hitch and the big holes disappear in the flannel, especially after the first wash. For my bobbin tension I do the drop test, drop it about 2 inches, and my top tension is the only one I ever adjust. I also change needles when I have skipped stitches. Just because a needles is just out of the package it doesn't mean it is flawless.

Good luck

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Lisa I have no idea if you have the right type of needle in, and I don't know about loosing top tension 2". Did I say that?

As far as drop test is concerned, I put my bobbin in my bobbin case, hold it over my left hand and give it a little jerk. If it drops about 2" that is good tension for my Freedom. I rarely adjust bottom tension, I always tweek the top. But...that being said, this works for me.

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I do alot of flannel quilts and have had no problems.

I use either Quilters Dream bat or Warm and Natural.

I have a Nolting so my needle is an 18 or 20 and I use a poly cotton thread.

I run my tension alittle tight on all my quilts,my machine likes it. If I go to loose the thread gets wonky.

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