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IQ weblog

Anne Que

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I finally bought an Intelliquilter. It will arrive tomorrow. I feel like a child awaiting a present.

I want to thank everyone who gave me information when I announced my plan to buy a computer. I hope I will learn quickly because I have already customers who want to try it out.

As a result of all this I started a weblog, (http://anne-queslongarmquiltservice.blogspot.com/) partly as publicity, partly because I want to share my experiences and problems and partly because I want to remember everything precisely. When you grow older you seem to be a little more forgetful.. ;)I write the blog in English too, because there are not many IQ users in the Netherlands (apart from me, maybe just only 1) and I want it to be more easily accessible. I hope to be visited by anyone interested. I will keep in touch on the APQS site too.

kind regards



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