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Is your machine sounding noisier than normal in the bobbin/hook assembly area? If so, I'm guessing you need to re-pack your gear box. I need to do mine as well, let's make a day of it and do it together!

Also, remember that Iowa is 2 hours earlier than us, so when I need to talk to the wonderful ladies, I call them first thing in the morning here.

Keep us posted, and holler if you need help.


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Beth I would love to make it a day of grease. :P My machine sometimes is making this big clunking sound, it doesn't do it all the time but when it does it scares me and then it is starting to sound like an 18-wheeler letting off its brakes. It is stitching fine but I don't want to hurt it,

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I just did mine (or I should say Gene did mine) last week...the noise I was getting sounded like someone was rattling a chain in the bobbin area...so much better now. It was a gradual noise...it wasn't there one day and then the next it was...it just got louder and louder, and it wasn't even something I paid much attention to as I had gotten use to it (the ULT II's are noiser than your Millies) and then one day someone tried to talk to me over the machine and I couldn't hear them. DUH moment for sure!!!;)

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