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cross threading needle screw thingee


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Have you ever cross threaded something? I've done it twice to my needle bar, both sides. And now I'm in trouble. Expect I have to replace the bar - but are there any other quick fixes so I can keep working? I do need to change the needle for the next quilt and don't want to wait til a new one arrives. TIA.

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Hi Kathy--since you will need a new needle bar anyway, wrap thin thread in the grooves of the screw and see if that will snug it enough to work until you get a new one. Another trick is to get some Teflon tape (I think it is white) that plumbers use for repairs. Wrap one thickness of that around the screw threads and see if it will hold. Good luck and let us know if either of these worked for you.

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Thank you for the reply. I'm going to do only threads that use the same size needle and when I do have to change it I'll try the teflon tape option. I did send APQS support an email to order the bar and hope to hear from them today. Now off to search for that teflon I used with the showerhead last year.....

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HOLEY CRAP-O-LEE. Changing the needle bar is no small task. YIKES. So I'm all freaked out. I don't even like messing with the timing - and now I have to take the hook thingee ALL THE WAY OFF. Wild. And guess what - when I used the stuff to get the screw to screw in, the screw head snapped OFF and then I couldn't get the piece OUT. But I didn't cry. I remained calm and then took a valium (just kidding)

So as I'm all stressed out I've been using the same needle for the last 5 quilts. Now that's making big holes where the thread goes through (but no batting pokies - yahoo). Then I remember this guy that lives the town over who fixed my advance feed motor for me. I just bet you that if I take the head over there he'll take care of me. Whew. Crisis averted. You have to take the head off the table to replace the needle bar anyway - so taking a little ride works.

Now, since I knew I had a solution I wasn't worried about breaking or bending the current needlebar and was able to work the small piece of screw OUT of that small screw hole - and get another one in there without cross threading. Maybe I can hold off a few more quilts and just keep going. In the meantime I'll go visit that motor guy and bring my manual ; ) Maybe baking a few cookies will help.....he looks like he likes cookies.

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