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Loading a partially hand quilted quilt

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I was wondering if someone can explain how (or if) I can load a quilt that is already hand-basted together and that has two center blocks quilted by hand. This is an applique quilt that has been sitting in my closet for a very long time and I would like to load it on the Millie and finish it. It is possible or would it be best to completely tear out the hand quilting and basting and start anew? I thought I had already read about this but in doing a search, I can't find any advice.


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If the hand quilting hasn't distorted the center of the top, I would load it as-is. Mount the backer only and you will be able to see if any part doesn't lie flat. Quilt from the center out and stabilize as you go. If you have a section that isn't flat, remove the basting stitches as you go and you can control any problems.

As an added note, Pam Clarke has an assistant completely pin-baste all quilts--- she loads and quilts, removing pins as she goes!! I got a longarm hoping I would never have to pin again!!

Save that hand quilting if you can. It's a great part of the history of the top. Have fun!

Linda in Olympia

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You can absolutely load and quilt this quilt. I have quilted several quilts that were hand-basted and/or partially quilted. Follow Linda's advice regarding sections that aren't flat. All of the quilts that I have quilted this way had no fullness problems, and it really wasn't a big deal. In fact, I think that the quilting is easier if the basting is good because any issues with "squareness" of the backing don't exist for you.

I took a class from Pam Clarke at MQX, and she really does all of her quilts this way. She quilts 2-3 quilts a day and would rather quilt pre-basted quilts. She does pay an assistant, but it must work out for her money-wise, or she just wouldn't do that.

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