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Tension Headaches

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I sure hope that I learn something during my tension class at MQS because I just about dread even loading on a new quilt because it never fails that I seem to always have to rip out because of tension problems. Just frustrated because it really does seem like every single quilt I have a problem no matter what threads I use. Sometimes it goes along just fine and I don't change anything but, the next row it screws up. It's getting really old having to ck the bottom tension after, what feels like, every single stitch. Grrrrrr! Just had to vent a little.

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Best info I've read about tension and how it works is found on the education pages on the Superior Theads site.... www.superiorthreads.com and click on education.

Also, do a search on DawnCavanaugh here on the chat and read all you can about what she writes...it is very good.

Soon you too will have no more tension headaches

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Don't give up, Sally!

First--do you have an APQS machine?

If so, start with thin thread--Sew Fine is a good one.

Use a matching bobbin thread.

Use a batting with some loft--not a 100% cotton. A 70/30 or 80/20 is good. I also like The Warm Co. Soft Blend. It is 50/50. The loft and matching thread will hide tension oopsies while you wait for your classes and convince yourself that this is all do-able!

If you have erratic tension problems, something is causing the thread to either catch or be overrunning (either the top or the bobbin). On top, the thread can catch and release anywhere along the path, so---

Check that the thread is coming off the cone smoothly--not catching or unspooling too fast. Put on a thread net.

Check all guides and pigtails for burrs--run a scrap of nylon hose all around your guides.

Clean between the tension discs--use a tissue or paper towel slid between the loosened discs. Check the tension spring--both the position of it and also that it is smooth.

Check the needle plate hole for rough spots, though this usually causes breakage, not tension problems.

That's it for the top.

On the bobbin side, swap out the bobbin case for a new one. Make sure you have the backlash spring in place. Now there is the "T" word--at least the other one!!--Timing. If your bad tension is in one direction (see Dawn's treatise on needle flex) you may need to re-time your machine. This is a last resort--do not assume it needs retiming without calling Amy.

Good luck and hang in there!

Do you have a rep close to you? They are trained to troubleshoot.

Here is my new philosophy--shared with the world!! These machines are marvelous workhorses--made to work and work well for years and through hundreds of quilts. If you have problems, your first assumption should NEVER BE USER ERROR! The machine needs adjustments or parts replaced. If you have a "lemon" that determination can be made at the factory and I believe if that is the case, you will be sent a loaner until yours is fixed. Frustration mounts as things don't happen as planned, and all of us have hit the wall (not literally except for Mary Beth! No wait, she hit her machine--that's right!:P) anyway--all of us have at some time been brought to screams or tears--but it is all fixable. Be a squeaky wheel. Call Iowa. Bug them. Bug your dealer. Ask for help. Holler for help. But never give it up--it is so wonderful when it all comes together.

Off the soapbox now........

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if you go to the page on apqs site that is support - there is a pretty good explanation on tension and getting it adjusted correctly. also, dawn has written another thread that is about tension that is very good - on this forum somewhere. i think under troubleshooting. good luck and don't give up.:)

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Thanks ladies for the encouragement. I know and have ck'd out all of the info regarding tension but, just wanted to vent as it never seems to work for me. I've got so little time to quilt so, I think I'll just forgot about trying to expand my thread horizons and just stick with So Fine - at least until after May. Thanks to our frigid weather here I'm planning to stay inside anyways so, got lots of time to rip. And, it will make for some good quality time with Hubby on Saturday, hopefully he doesn't have to work, as he makes a great partner in ripping. :P

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