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NQR Bummed, such a clutz!

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it is super easy to set up and use. It took me a little while to get around to set up and use as I had another quilt on the frame, but it was so simple that I had it set up and making circles and having a fun time right away.

Doctors Care just called to see how my ankle was doing, on a Sunday no less. Wow, that is a surprise, They said I should be able to go to work tomorrow just keep my leg elevated on a chair as much as I can. I have a desk job so that should not be too big of a problem. Dont know if I can wear a shoe or not though. Probaby have to keep it wrapped and wear a big sock over it.

Pain is mostly gone now unless I try to move it too much, so I guess it is on the mend.;)

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This will take a little while to mend. I didn't want to tell my story of subbing my second toe on my exercise bike, while walking through the living room, and bruising all the tendons in my foot, including my achiles tendon. I couldn't wear a shoe for a long time. I too feel your pain. Hope you are better soon.

Kathleen, sorry to hear about your injury too. This has been a tough winter for a lot of reasons.....But you have the CL...yippee...what a good DH you have. He understands ;) Let the addiction begin :D The CL is very, very easy to use. Just put it on the table and go. So at least, congratulations on the nice Christmas gift.

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I hate to hear of anyone in pain, so Jeanne, I will be praying that a quick and good healing be the Lords will.. and pray you follow Dr. orders.. When I tore the tendon off my ankle, I kept wiggling the toes, etc.. and later found out it wasn't wise to do.. Soooo, behave yourself, if you can, ( LOL ) and get proper healing and and quicker than when you misbehave.

Hugss... God Bless


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