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1st time panto ??

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First order of business, take a deep breath, and say, this is not scary, I am a professional and I can do this. Let loose of your death grip on the handles and try just waltzing with your machine for a bit.

answer to your question, from the back side you would be going right to left and start it at the edge, unless you are doing a separate border.

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Lynne, just pick a few pantographs now; and nothing too "tight" what I mean is, that the lines on the panto are not closer than 1 inch; preferably 2 inches space in between lines. This will give you some wiggle room. Some good beginner designs are Popcorn and Waterworld. Standing at the back of the machine, I would go from right to left. For me, I only hold one handle (the left one) with my right hand and keep my right arm (elbow) held tightly to my body and grab onto the take up roller with my left hand and walk toward the left. Only go one direction, so at the end of the row, cut the thread, advance the quilt and start from the right again, working to the left. The best thing to do is relax and not worry about being right on the line; the line is a guide only. Just like driving a car, look a little further ahead of where you're heading, not looking directly at the laser light. Your hand will follow where your eyes are looking. You will see smoother lines and improvements as you PPP so don't be too hard on yourself at first. :) Happy quilting.

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You've gotten good advice from Shana and Bekah but I want to add something else to do before you start quilting. I always do a practice run first when I start a new panto. Start by turning on your machine and your laser light. Follow the pattern using the laser only and not stitching. Because you are so nervous I would suggest working down the table a couple of times to learn the pattern before you start any stitching. This will help you to become more comfortable with the panto. Good Luck!

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Lynne, good advice to do the "test run" and follow the laser without stitching first. And, I suggest that you try just going one direction for now (left to right). If you switch back and forth (left to right and then right to left) you can get really confused in the panto. So... start out baby steps and after you get more confident if you want to go the other direction sure... but frankly I find it very tricky to go backwards on something I am doing the other way... much easier and much faster to just go one direction (right to left) because your brain gets trained on how the pattern runs. Switching is like reading words backwards. It's a little awkward.

After you get the hang of doing pantos, try doing the pantographs without the stitch regulator. I find the machine runs much smoother and you can go faster, too. It's fun! :)

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