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Wish I could tell you where to get my fancy "quilt scheduler" but it's all homemade. When I used to do inventory control for a carpet manufacturer (lo, these many, many MANY decades ago!) we had a neat slotted rack that held cards for each roll of carpet. You could mark the cards when you cut a piece, move them around in the slots - re-prioritize, if you will. When I started getting enough quilt projects stacked up that I couldn't keep them straight, I looked around for something like that, but couldn't find anything.

What I wound up doing was taking a piece of heavy cardboard and then attaching pieces of manila folders to it in such a way that it made slots for 3x5 cards. Well, actually I started out making my own cards (another previous life was desktop publishing), but that got to be too time-comsuming, so now I just use the handy index cards. Yes, sometimes I have to fish down into the slots to get the smaller cards....

I'll try to take a photo and post it - this little system sure has worked for me.:D

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okay, this is just too weird! I posted an answer to Linda's post, but now I can't get to it. It was there, I swear it was!! Anyway, if it magically appears, here's a photo of my Quilt Scheduler.

[and now my previous post is there - welcome to the Twilight Zone!]

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