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LeaderMate system

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Hi Tracey - yes, I have the LeaderMate system. I love to quilt but I do

not like the time it takes to load a quilt. Plus I was so tired of sticking

myself with pins, this system sounded like the perfect solution for that. And it is.

There are 2 sizes of aluminum channels, 2 lengths of elastic and some clips that hold

the elastic in place which holds the quilts backing. I was a LeaderMate tester for

Quilter's Paradise so I will not claim to be impartial.

I love the LeaderMate system. :):)

I float all my quilts so I only use the 2 roller set. I have a set of zippered leaders

with the velcro (hook side) sewn on. I like to prep my quilt backing the night

before so I am ready to go in the morning when I am fresh.

I can sit in my recliner and load the backing (top and bottom) onto the channels

(backed by the fluffy side of the velcro)while watching TV. Simple to do. Then I just

place the LeaderMate channels (with the backing loaded) onto the velcro leader on the rollers.

The 2 velcros grab each other but are easily adjustable.

No more endless pinning. No pin sticks. No pins on the floor.

It is also great for those quilts that you know will take more time (endless custom jobs,

show quilts, wonky quilts:mad:). If I get stuck, ie stand and stare, and cannot decide what to

quilt, it takes 3 minutes to pull the channels off with the quilt still set up and set it

aside for later. Then when I am ready for that quilt, 2-3 minutes to reload it.

Tracey - I think that you are going to love the LeaderMate system.

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Thanks Linda! I am looking forward to them coming. They are taking a long time to get here though. 2 weeks so far. Can't wait!! I ordered them by phone and told the guy which machine I have and the size of the table so he is sending me what he thinks I need. I'll let you know when they get here.


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