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Threads behaving badly....

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I'm curious, I have had several occasions where I think my thread tension etc is doing fine on the first pass acrossed the table. Then I roll to get ready to sew again and when I get going, the thread starts breaking and I sometimes get a little bit of difference in my stitch length while the stitch regulator is on. I know I go a little slower when I am just starting to figure out the pattern I want to do, but could I really be going that much faster by the second time around that the thread and stitch regulator can't keep up. Ideas other than going slower (LOL)?


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Hi Jess,

I don't think you could be going to fast for the stitch regulator. Check and make sure you don't have a burr somewhere in the hook assemble or in a pig tail guide. Maybe try tightening your tension when it is sewing good and maybe it will stay better going the other way. Usually it is a little harder when the fabric isn't being feed into the ension side. If that doesn't work give me a call.. Now, the channel locks 1ST. do you wax your table on a regular basis? I have seen where if they are waxed to much they won't grip until some of it wears off.. Is it one more than the other? normally it is the front to back one. Adjust it like you would adjust the back right hand bolt on the head... Put the narrow part of the off- set bolt, down around 6p.m. Let me know if that doesn't take care of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

What are you using for thread lubricant? I keep hearing about it, but I haven't figured out if it is sewing machine oil or a special 'thread lubricant' because I haven't seen it in a store before...of course I wasn't really looking until recently. Thanks, Jess

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