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I made it!

Guest Linda S

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Guest Linda S

Thank you all for the well-wishes. Yes, I am very much aware of the hazards of on-line shopping while incapacitated. It can be very dangerous! :o Especially when you're laid-up, you figure, you DESERVE those special treats. Nothing makes you feel better than some new fabric to pet (well, puppy kisses are a good second!). I've left my purse in a back corner of the bedroom and I've got the laptop out on the couch -- actually about to head out to the back porch with it and my coffee -- so that I can't buy! I know how bad I can be!!

It's weird, but I think with that nerve block, I wasn't feeling much pain, but my body was well aware something had happened, so I really wasn't sleeping. All of a sudden last night, I got hit by the sleep train. I slept like the dead, except for getting up to pee once or twice. I swear, I could go back to bed again right now and sleep clear through till tomorrow! And yes, it is beginning to hurt, but it's not too bad.

Have a great weekend all!


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Good morning Linda, glad to hear you slept so soundly!

I thought I was prepared with pain meds when my block

worn off in the very early am.,,, only to find out they gave

me the wrong pain meds (which earned me a trip back to

the ER via ambulance!) For me managing the pain has been

difficult one day I am fine backing off of them, then the next

day I am doubled over,, feeling like someone took a sledge

hammer to my ankle!:o :mad:

At least you are a good girl while you are laid up shopping on-line

on meds is NOT a good thing!! (please don't laugh but I've booked

several trips, TV for bedroom and lord knows what all,, I hope I can hobble

out to the mail box to get that visa bill before you know who finds it! lol )

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Guest Linda S

I know the dangers Linda. I've done similar stuff before! Yipes, it can be scary. I'm still on a DEA contract with my regular doc for pain meds. I guess when you have spinal surgery, which I did almost two years ago, they know you're in for the long hall. That means I can get pain meds from ONLY my PCP, and I can only buy them at one drug store. I guess addicts doctor shop and pharmacy hop, so they can get as many pills as possible. So my surgeon gave me nothing. Luckily, I still had some fentanyl patches left from before my back surgery. It says they're not recommended for post-surgical pain because they are not very fast-acting, but the reason I like them for that is, you put one on, and you don't need to remember to take your meds for three days! It delivers an hourly measured dose through the skin. Can't beat it. The nerve block wore off at about 3:30 a.m. and, if I hadn't put that patch on before I went to bed, I'll bet I would have woken up in howling pain. I hope your ankle is getting better. That's a really tough joint to heal. At least with an upper-body injury, you can still get around. Good luck on hiding the Visa bill!

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Hope both of you Linda's are feeling better and the pain is going away. Linda A hope you make it to the mailbox before your hubby, that is why I always get the mail LOL.

Linda S. you are much stronger than I am, I would be glued to the shopping channels with my credit card number memorized. :P

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Guest Linda S

Bekah - I gave up TV long ago. No shopping channels here. I can get local channels if I want to watch the news. I do occasionally watch PBS. Other than that, I just use the TV for watching DVDs. Of course, there's always QVC on the internet! ;) Only they don't sell many quilting gadgets!!

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Guest Linda S

OMG Linda - that's hysterical. I'm only about a 4, but when I had my back surgery, I had a few jolts of 15 every now and then. That guy is a hoot!

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