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Quilt labels

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I make mine on my embroidery machine. I use about a 4" by 7" hoop and plain sans serif fonts, I like to use a font that is readable at 14 points and my Husqvanna offers quite a few options in that range. I made a template (well actually 3) and insert each new quilts details into into the appropriate template. The label includes my email address. I sew it onto the backing before I commence quilting.

I also make paper labels for the return quilt bags, once again from a template - this time MS Word. I do that on my printer sometimes I laminate them and sometimes I glue them onto a piece I cut from a cardboard box (looks pretty good). I attach them to the bag handles. On those ones I often put a picture relevant to the quilt. These labels can have 2 sides and it is as cheap as chips to provide washing instructions etc. I attach these labels with a cable tie. I mostly use recycled promotional bags for the return quilts - pick them up cheaply a a local community store usually 20 to 50 cents a bag. My label has a message about recycling.

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Guest Linda S

I treat my basic muslin with Bubble Jet Set 2000, iron it to freezer paper and then feed it through my printer. Often times, I'll put a photo of the quilt as a watermark in the background. You can use word, illustrator, photoshop, whatever to create a label.

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if you have EQ software, yes you can make labels. I have done this several times and it works great. My EQ7 is installed on my laptop, but it's broken...:( otherwise I would make one and write out the steps for you.... it's been too long since I've done one, and I can't remember exactly. I think there is a tutorial in the software program that tells you how. Good luck with whatever you try!

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I also use Printed Treasures. If you get a 50% off JoAnn's coupon, that helps on the cost.

Just use Word for inserting pictures, different fonts etc. and you have a great personal label. I use a 1" piece of fabric to sew a frame around the label, turn it under 1/2 after sewing it on, use a glue stick to position how you like, then whip stitch the frame to the back of the quilt.

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