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Help! I ran out of thread

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I ran out of thread, being a newbie I thought that I might have enough to do a twin large stipple, but no, I ran out half way through. My problem is that I have 20 some quilts to do and it will be 4 days before I get my thread. I hate to take the quilt off, haven't bought zippers yet :(. So what can I do? I'm afraid to take the quilt off and then try to put it back on and have a pucker. The customer is an excellent quilter and the quilt lies flat and square. Can't fudge a wrinkle to bad sewing. So please advise!


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Mary Beth is right. I have taken quilts off when I didn't have zippers. It works fine if you mark your centers ...use safety pins if you are worried about pins falling out. You will be fine...go for it.

Cheryl Mathre

Stone Creek Quilting

Sandy Hook, VA

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