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Thread Breaking

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My machine got hung up on a thick seam and blew a fuse. I got the fuse replaced but now my thread keeps breaking. I have cleaned it, oiled it, changed the needle 3 times with no luck. Could this have thrown my timing off? This is very frustrating. It was sewing very nicely. I even changed the pig tail by the needle. Can anyone help me please????

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If you jammed the needle, you may have gouges or burrs on the hook. These will cut your thread. Get out the manual and check the hook assembly. Burrs can be sanded out with fine-grit sandpaper or emery cloth. Look carefully at the diagram to make sure to stay away from the one section that is not to be sanded.

Also check the hole in the throat plate for nicks or burrs. Run a length of nylon hose through the hole to see if it snags. These can also be sanded out.

If you find no burrs anywhere, check the depth of the needle bar. It may have been jammed up out of position. That is an easy fix also covered in the manual.

Good luck and I hope you find the problem soon.

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Let me know if you need more help. I should be home.

I'm trying to get this quilt close to finished and a thousand other things done this weekend. Have a daughter and her 2 boys probably moving in with me for awhile in a week or 2.

Call me if you need to. Don't mind putting my phone# on as it's already posted on the web site. 816-835-9968. if I don't ans leave me a message--sometimes if I'm quilting in my basement my doesn't ring and I don't notice it buzzing in my pocket.

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