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REPORTED.. Christmas Angels..attack on LS

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Abusive rants, threats....do we need to tolerate this?

I don't know the exact protocal here but I reported the verbally abusive attack against Linda S. (Does it take more than one person to "report?)

"Dan's" attack was vicious against Linda, and from what I hear carried on to personal threats.

We are a quilting forum and are hear to share with others, respect each other, support each other and have civilized conversations.

I support Linda on this one, she was.....kind as always.


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Guest Linda S

Thank you Donna - not only did he post, he sent me a very nasty email at my office. When I responded to it, he decided to call the University (where I have my email) and complain that I was inappropriately using my email -- it's an educational institution -- they expect us to be looking at stuff on the web, so they were not upset. HOWEVER, I also received a threatening phone call from one of Dan's friends at my office. Thank goodness for caller ID. I have reported their rant to our Department of Public Safety and to our computer spam people at the University. I did not think I was attacking Nettie, and, if that's how she felt, I'm sorry. I don't support what I got.

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"new Christmas Angel for your projects" by Nettie Baker


I just want you to know how sorry I am that you were victimized by "Dan". I read your initial response to Nettie and it was of no concern to me. I was seriously going to place an order. What happened after, was bizarre, absurd and no doubt this person is mentally unstable.

IMHO readers beware: Nettie Baker=Dan. My guess is they are one and the same person. I hope you also reported this to the police.

I would also advocate "reporting" Nettie Baker in light of what has taken place "off site".


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Hi All. I am perplexed. There was a fight? Over what? And to those of you who were "going to order" I sell nothing. I have no business and have nothing to sell. Are you guys looking at the right blog? I just give away free vintage images that I own. I have been a big time collector of them and enjoy them. Not everyone can afford them, that are sometimes expensive and I like to share. I do know who Dan is. He is a disabled vet and I think he has anger issues. We have helped him alot, but I don't see him ever doing the things that are mentioned here that he is supposed to have done. For those of you posting that I have damaged my business, no, I have not...I have no business. I just have a blog where I post vintage images. So, I don't understand what it is that someone was going to buy...there never has been anything for sale. I give things away. I think you have been misinformed and maybe never went to my site. I promote printing your own fabric for your own quilts. ???

Sorry you guys think that something is for sale. There never was anything for sale. Linda, I hope you are okay. I don't understand what happened and if you need to email me, please do so off the list. I also don't approve of anyone attacking anyone.

As far as the items that I have, what I post is in public domain. Those people who know what that is and understand that they can use public domain for their own uses are enjoying the images. In this economy, it's expensive to buy. I also don't think that people should be making money from others work, even if it is in the public domain. So, on my site, it's free.

Nothing funny about me or who I am. Most of my readers know that I am in Phoenix and on my way to Virginia.

Let's all take a big breath, calm down and do some sewing.

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Hi Linda, And thank you for the sweet email. I don't know what is going on. And I don't know what dmilner is saying with her "all readers take note". Of what? Are things still out of control? I had to re-register, I guess because of Dan and his wife. But, the more that this is "kept alive" I have to admit, I am getting a lot of traffic to my site. I guess everyone wants to know what is going on, and me, too. I cannot figure out how to do the u2u message, and I really appreciate yours. Can you calm dmilner down, too? I think that this board has some pretty sensitive people on it. Everyone needs to calm down. I have no problems with Linda. She just sent me a post on here about her concerns and I ansered them. Someone else got their panties in a knot and went off on her. I am so sorry that they did that. I am very upset that he did that, but find the rest of it hard to believe. I guess you don't really know people. This is not the way that I wanted to have increased traffic. I only share my public domain images. I am an artist and paint. I know all too well what goes into creating a piece. I don't even charge for the public domain items, like Dover does. If it's public domain and you want to use it, good for you. I think I ansered Linda in my post, and did so politely. I am not the one who is causing this uproar. I will however, ask the moderator to remove any and all posts to my site that are on here. I don't think sharing with people on this forum is a good thing at the moment. I have tons of hits from people who enjoy and send me, vintage images, all in the public domain. I don't want to email anyone other than Linda on this forum. I will ask those of you who think I have a business to please, take a breath. You have me mixed up with someone else. I don't have a business and that is that. Linda, again, thank you for your kind email. You are a very gracious person. I hope you have a great weekend. What an ending to the week it has been!

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