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meandering charge

meandering charge  

  1. 1. meandering charge

    • $10 / sq yd. (=.007 sq inch)
    • .01 / sq inch
    • $15/ sq yd. (= .0115 sq inch)
    • .0125 / sq inch
    • .01375 / sq inch
    • .015 / sq inch
    • $20 / sq yd.
    • .0175 / sq inch
    • $25 / sq yd.
    • .02 / sq inch
    • more than above

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Okay, second try I think I get it now. Trying to poll the group as to what you charge for different types of quilting as this keeps coming up. Again hope I get this right. If I don't have your exact amount just fo to the closest. My apologies to those that charge by the sq foot my brain just couldn't do that yet this morning. You will just have to convert to ins. or yds. I may be only able to think one type through each day so look tomorrow for another type.

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I think, too, that you probably want to indicate the size for the meandering. I charge more for a small meandering than a large meandering. Just a thought...a small meander is more intense than a larger one and takes more thread. I charge .012 for a smaller meander and .01 for a larger one. Not to add more fuel to the fire:)

Cheryl Mathre

Stone Creek Quilting

Sandy Hook, VA

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Point taken, this would be the lowest level of charges IMO so would be larger stipple/meander.

Now friends, 25 looks and only 4 votes, this is an anonymous poll no one will know who charges what. It will just be another tool for all of us to use in our businesses.

Thanks for your participation!

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This is a plea, please submit your meandering and freehand charges (didn't kknow what else to call this level) so we may get a realistic idea of what charges really are. A poll of 20 -30 really only tells us what the "joiners" charge. This is info for all of us. Somewhere I saw there are 2000 members, could we shoot for 200 people to post what they charge or plan to charge? I have checked back and no names are connected with any of the "votes".


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Could it be that everyone is still at Houston and haven't been able to comment on this.

Its a harmless general survey....and in a way will help us all to not only keep in sync, but to aid the old asked question that comes up at least weekly. "What do you charge"???? Its not asking locations just prices....I'm with Sue here....its a shame that only 25 out over 254 have answered it....come on ladies...help out Sue here.

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