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helpful hint for marking difficult areas

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I just thought I'd pass along a hint while it was fresh in my mind. I am working on a Baltimore Album Quilt. How do you spell intense? BAQ! LOL Anyway my customer did not want me to use anything to mark the quilt because she doesn't plan on washing. That really limits you. I can't do the level of heirloom without marking. I've been using pounce powder and that has worked in some areas but not in this particular area. I tried black light powder and had a huge mess. It jsut bounced all over but I managed to get it stitch after a lot of stress. I remembered that you could add a little black light powder to the pounce powder and that did the trick. It worked even better when I remembered to wipe the area first with a damp sponge. Whew that was a stressful evening. Hopefully I can save somebody else some of the stress. I had just forgotten about this method. Normally the white powder works just fine for me.

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