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Is running Lenni lifting?

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I have to have surgery in February and will have a very strict 10 pound lifting limit. No extra exertion for stomach and groin muscles. I'm wondering if running my Lenni will fall under my restrictions? It doesn't seem like it takes much to run her, but I'm not sure. I know I will need help to load anything.

Anyone with any experience with this?

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Ask your doctor. Maybe explain to him that quilting machine movement is similar to pushing a grocery cart---Similar type of muscle exertion. Regardless, you might want to take it easy for the first months after surgery anyway. Listen to your body. It will tell you what's OK and not OK.

I broke my heel bone in 1996 and had strict doctors orders for no weight - zero weight on that foot for 4 months. ---Zero--- weight. So there I was --literally-- on crutches for 4 months. It seemed like forever but I kept telling myself "it's only temporary" and I got through those 4 months on the crutches.

This happened before I got my longarm machine.

Hang in there.

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Lynne this is all good advise!

I would guess that that doctor is going to tell you that you need at least a couple of weeks free from your Lenni. I wouldn't think that driving the Lenni would be that bad for you, but loading and advancing could put strain on your tender muscles.

I had to take two weeks off, no quilting when I had my appendectomy (sp) several years ago.... not a big deal at the time because I was traveling for the post office and teaching a course. Silly me back to work in 3 days....but no qulting for 2 weeks.

How long will you be away from home?

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I've realized yesterday that advancing probably wasn't going to work either and the quiltazoid is a for sure a no-no. Thinking that quilting is going to have to be put on hold for a while.

I will have to find some small piecing projects to keep me busy, I know the big quilts I have in the works are going to be too heavy. Also decided I'm going to have to buy one of those little irons to press seams because I'm not sure what my iron weighs.

My son got out an old market scale to start weighing stuff. I need to downsize the purse! It is way over limit!

Deb, it is supposed to be outpatient, but at Rochester so I'm not sure if we will stay an extra day or not. We need that play day soon!

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