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I need to know how to become a dealer for APQS

When I am asked about what quilt machine I would recomend I always always say APQS. I stand behind this company.

My quilting stands on its on merits. I do mostly pantos, cause it is cheaper for my customer's. I charge for batting, binding, backing all at reasonable prices. And I still get " Well, so and so throws that in".

I do not see how you can make enough to pay for a machine

if your giving your stuff away.

And if they want to buy a machine I would like to be the one to sell it to them, so at least I can make some money to pay for my quilting habbit. lol

I have had 3 people calling me this month about buying a machine, hubby says sell them mine. I love my machine and will not give it up. I have sent them to APQS site. So maybe if they buy one I can work on theres?

And again I welcome new machine quilters in this area. Its good for business.

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