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Help! I have stitch issues too!

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What is causing my thread to have raised stitches on the top? I have So Fine thread in the top and clear glide bobbin in the bottom. It will stitch 10 to 12 stitches that look great and then the next 5 will be raised. I have tried everything with top and bottom tension. What am I missing? I had this issue once before with Lava thread from Superior but haven't had it with So Fine. I was consistently using Metro with no problems.


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Originally posted by Janet Poulin

What is causing my thread to have raised stitches on the top? I have So Fine thread in the top and clear glide bobbin in the bottom. It will stitch 10 to 12 stitches that look great and then the next 5 will be raised. I have tried everything with top and bottom tension. What am I missing? I had this issue once before with Lava thread from Superior but haven't had it with So Fine. I was consistently using Metro with no problems.


Janet, are you using CLEAR Glide bobbins? Those are not designed for our longrms - hopefully you are actually using MagnaGlides?

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