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Meredith on teeth.

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On Saturday last she was swimming with Papa. She asked to see his teeth so he grinned at her. She said, "Papa, your teeth look like George Washington's!"

On Monday she rushed into the living room and asked her mother when would she start to lose her teeth. Her mother said, I don't know, Meredith; Why? Meredith said, "Cause I need some money!"

Listening to the grands is my favorite part!

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I started a little notebook with all the little things my Grands said. I put their name, age and the date said on the top of the page. I saw a little book at the book store set up for this very thing. My parents still talk about me saying "Something smells no good." when we went thru an area of natural gas wells in Michigan. Doesn't seem so funny now to me but they of course thought I was just soooo cute then ( 50 some years ago)!!!

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