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Ultimate 1 - On/Off Switch Front Handles

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I am hoping someone can solve my dilema while I am waiting for a reply from the Maintenance Department. I know my machine is an older model however it has given me little trouble since I gave it a major overhaul after doing the Maintenance Class at Carroll, Iowa (which I highly recommend).

I currently have a quilt on the machine which I am custom quilting from the front of the machine.

The grey / gray on/off switch on the handle at the front no longer works - that is the machine does not go. The main switch is on and the speed is set at 4. The same button on the handle at the back of the machine works.

Have 2 tops that need quilting before Christmas - this one which is nearly completed and a panto. I could take this one off and do the panto but am concerned that I may have the same issue with the back handle on/off switch. :(

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Vivienne, I am not as familiar with the older models as with the newer, but would it be possible to move the working switch from the back of the machine to the front handle? I know that could be kinda scary, though, with Christmas deadlines looming! :o

Hopefully, someone in maintenance will get back to you with reassurances (and a fix) right away! I'm assuming you have left a voicemail on the Service line and emailed them?

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It sounds like your front switch has decided to give out at a most inopportune time! Since the back switch does work, it's most likely the front switch itself. It can be easily replaced. Give us a call in the morning and we can get one sent out to you. We'll just need to know if your Ultimate I has a thread cutter and needle positioner so that we send the correct switch.

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Hi Barb & Dawn,

Thanks for your help and prompt response.

I will call in the morning Dawn. I am glad it is nothing major. I have a thread cutter not sure about the needle positioner even after all the years I have had the machine. Have a white button which I use to get the bottom thread up.

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