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NQR - Holiday music killed my phone!

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Last week my son was visiting and asked if he could help me with anything ( he's a great guy!) and I told him I really miss listening to my holiday music in my studio. He said he could put the albums I want on my IPhone and play it on a small speaker device. He set it all up for me, but had to take my phone out of its "Otter" case to plug in the device. So, I'm happily quilting and singing along, life's good! A few days go by and I notice my phone is dropping calls, so yesterday I went to the phone store and they said, "have you ever had this phone in a case?" I responded, "yes, until last week when I wanted to listen to holiday music and had to take the case off". "Did your calls start dropping after that?" Lightbulb moment, yes that's when the phone trouble started. Apparently my iPhone version prefers to live in a case or the antennae drops the signal! Who knew?? Isn't technology great? So, don't call me until I can get a new case that hinges so I can still plug in and listen to my holiday music! :) :)

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iPhone definitely has it's quirks doesn't it? My DIL complains about the same thing. I have an Android Smart Phone and it has a protective plastic case on it to protect the custom "skin" I put on it. The case makes it heavy and I can't use the convenient little docking charger unless I take the case off. I need a butter knife to pry off. It's a pain so I don't use the little docking device, but it's pretty. Bah Humbug! Enjoy your Christmas music. :)

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Gee, Vickie, who knew! Now I know why I love my 8 year old plain old cell phone! I listen to the Christmas music on channel 815 on Direct TV or my CD's on my player. And my kids are mad because I will not add text to my phone. I tell them to just call me!!!! LOL Can't wait till we can chat off line again! Hugs, gal!

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Something I found out yesterday......I have a Kindle Fire. It uses WiFi to connect to the magic that makes it work. I can now go to a ballgame, get bored, and connect to the magic on Fire through my iphone! Who knew? You just go to your settings on the phone and turn on the personal hotspot and connect! Just like in the movies. I am now a genius!

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