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Shippers for longarms

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Hi all!  I need some advice on shippers.  I have a customer who ended up buying a used Millie from a private party.  I have been trying to helper find a shipper that will crate the rails.  Of course, it has to come from the east to the west coast, as well.


If any of you have also had to do this and have any shipper names for me to contact, please jump in here and let me know.  I know we're not the first to have to do this.  I'm getting the run around from some of the ones I have contacted from an internet search.  They say they'll crate on their websites, but when you call them it's a different story.  I've considered just calling APQS and purchasing the boxes, but I don't think this should be so complicated.  There has to be some shipper out there who will make this happen.


Any ideas are welcome :)  :)  :)

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