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Charging PST in Canada

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I'm having a terrible time sorting out if I need to charge PST for my longarm service.  Is there any other British Columbians that have the answer?  I'm hoping that if follows under a tailor service or mending service which dont, but cant get a straight answer, is it YES or NO... aaaaa.  Thanks Terry.

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Here is what the B.C. gov't document states:



It depends. Certain individuals and groups that occasionally make retail sales (e.g. home-based
crafts persons and some non-profit organizations) may be eligible to choose whether or not to
register and collect PST. To be eligible for optional registration, you must:
 have gross annual sales of $10,000 or less of qualifying goods and services,
 not regularly make sales or leases of goods or services from established commercial
premises, and
 not maintain established business premises.
I am in Manitoba and do not collect PST as I keep my gross sales under $10,000. I take 3 months off so do not run my business the whole year.
Hope this helps!
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Confusing isn't it.

I called the PST people about a month and a half ago for clarification on the changes.

I was told that I would only need a PST number if my sales (purchases made by customers for batting and backing were < $10,000.00 per year).  I currently have an GST/HST number, so I should continue to apply GST the same as under the pre-HST rules. Revenue Canada further advised that if my total gross revenue is < $30,000.00 that a GST number is optional.

I trust (hope) I received sound advice from both levels of government on this matter.

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Thanks so much.  I was really looking to find out if I need to charge PST on the longarm service.  I'm assuming not - as it is a labour service.  As I have a small home based business pst still needs to be charged for batting, backing, and thread.  Unless the items are for baby quilts then no PST.

I'm hoping that I will fall under the $10,000 for all the notions and will not have to worry about any of it.. 

Thanks again.


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