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I did it! I digitized....


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a design with a repeatable pattern. It was perfect on the DXF file. Me...the unnerd of computerdom...thanks to Suzanne's class. It was so easy...if you want know how to computerize your own designs with ease...you need to take this class. Now, all I have to do is set the index...but I will do that tomorrow.


Thanks, Suzanne!!!!

Cheryl Mathre

Stone Creek Quilting

Sandy Hook, VA:D

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Way to Go Cheryl :D

You are Welcome ! :P :P

I knew you could do it !! I saw your confidence build in class as you understood the digitizing tools and procedures. Grammie Tammie is digitizing too. She's away from internet service while visiting her husband in another state, but she says she's already addicted to digitizing. It's so much fun !! Just keep practicing. We'll review the lessons and your practice sessions in our Digi-Club Meetings so you'll all get better and better.

Much Love,

- Suzanne Moreno (Digi-Momma) :cool:

Digitizing for CompuQuilter Instructor



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I am going to take some of my own designs to Staples and have them reduced today. Then I will start to digitize those for resale. I am also going to stitch out the one I have completed...then on to motifs, borders and corners! I am excited...if you couldn't tell! LOL

Then all I'll need is a web page (no...the unnerd will not attemp this...I do have limitations and I know this is one of them:D)LOL

Cheryl Mathre

Stone Creek Quilting

Sandy Hook, VA:P

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Cheryl I am just thrilled for you. I saw how beautiful your drawings are. I hope your send me one of those wonderful feathers when you get it done. lol

Keep practicing. The "Digitizing for Compuquilter" Workbook has each step in it. It is a great book. Every step you need to take is in the book step by step. I think it is an awesome training for all of us.

Suzanne did an awesome job on this book. It is the only one ever done with regard to Compuquilter or any other Computerized system that I'm aware of. Alot of work and time went into the book. MY hats off to Suzanne. The book made the class worth alot more than we paid in my opinion. I mean lots of free designs and USB drive and other goodies I am so glad to have been in the first class. Suzanne is committed to supporting her students and seeing them progress in the world of digitizing. How cool is that!!!!

Don't forget to share your design with me Cheryl. Don't FORGET THAT WE ARE ALL DIGI BUDDIES!!!!!!


Keep up the good work.

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Yep...I love to share a feather design or two with you, Tammie! I love having Digi Buddies...all of you are too much fun! LOL

I will start on my designs, hopefully today. It is just going to depend on my chihuahua, Nate, he was neuterred yesterday and is a little cllinging today....can't say I blame he:(

Pat, how are your new puppies?....I have been meaning to give you a call, but I haven't down loaded the class list from the USB drive. Hope they arrived safely and in good health.

Cheryl Mathre

Stone Creek Quilting

Sandy Hook, VA

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