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Small (tiny?) quilt for daughter' 16th b'day TODAY

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You can make a simple banner of sorts -just find the font you like and print out the letters-Fuse onto backround and stich down- tomorrow you can add more to it when you have more time!! Clip art alwas has pics of cakes , candles and the like . Good luck & Happy Birthday to your Daughter.



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Well, I TRIED to remove this thread, since it was kind of out-dated, ya know, but all I succeeded in doing was removing my original message, and now sewhappy Patty's reply is left dangling out here looking silly.... so...... maybe I'll edit the title, if I can....... :mad:

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Well, it turned out I didn't actually have all day, because I had to run around town looking for the 16yo Growing Up Girl in brunette, and I had to make the cake and decorate it, etc.... So I decided I didn't need to break my neck sewing something. I really would rather stitch up a quilt she's been waiting several years for and give it to her later. After the four or five other projects I have stacked up in my sewing closet on my to-do shelf! Thanks for asking. :)

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