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Temporary fix" front of machine dragging

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Should the front of the machine drag on the carriage table? I mean, I know it shouldn't, but how do I correct it?  It evidently was doing it to Rexann also, because that part of the carriage is scratched up. My old machine has an open carriage, so there was nothing to drag.


HELP!  I really want to use my new machine tonight.


My son said put big mud tires on it, but I don't think that will help.


Update: this is temporarily fixed. After many emails and text messages back and forth with Dawn (THANK YOU DAWN) she asked if the carriage could somehow be warped or bent.  Well, it is. So, in order to make it work, we just bent it back the other way.  (Don't ask how!!).  It is not a permanent fix, but until a new carriage arrives in the mail it will allow me to use my Lenni.  I finished my customer quilts and now I will work on one of my own.  Yay, for Dawn.

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Hi Teresa,


Does your machine have spacers between the wheels.  There is supposed to be a spacer between the wheel and the housing of the axle.  This allows the machine to be lifted up a bit so it doesn't drag on the carriage.  That's how my UI came to me and the same on my Milli.  If yours doesn't have that, then you will need to the hardware store and get some.  Take one of the wheels off and take the bolt with you and find one of the guys there to help you find them.  They should slip right down the bolt.  You might have to get longer bolts so take the nut  and wheel as well.  The bolt should be about an inch and a half and have at least half the bolt should be threaded  Their about 1/4" thick.  If you can wait, then call APQS and get some.  Good luck.  zeke.............

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I took the wheel off and I'm really not sure what I'm looking for. There is a bolt with grease on it. There is a silver center to the wheel. These are the black rubber wheels. I'm not sure how the machine could be lifted up any by looking at the wheels and the axle.  I wish I could figure out how to post a picture on here from my phone of computer.

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Problem solved, at least for the moment. The old wooden wheels are about 1/8" taller than the others. That was just enough height to add to the front to get it off the carriage bed.  I will have to ask my husband about those spacer things when he wakes up. 

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It's not the table that's the problem. It's the way the machine rides on the carriage.  The Lenni is on the Lenni carriage. It wouldn't fit on the Ultimate II carriage. The former owner also had the problem evidently.  Dawn has pictures and is trying to figure it out. Thanks for all the help everybody. I appreciate it.

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The front of my machine is still dragging on the carriage base : (

I haven't heard back from Dawn. I really wanted to practice with it this weekend, but it's impossible to make feathers or do freehand designs very well when it drags every time I push it back or try to pull it forward from the rear.

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