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Catching you up

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I had something similar in March/April!  Was off work 2 1/2 weeks!  I don't have nor have ever had Asthma, but the sinus infection, then pneumonia, then bronchitis turned into asthma (breathing treatments, anti-biotics and steroids too!)  ER once and InstaCare another time!!!  It was awful - then 2 weeks later my husband got it (not quite as bad, but he's still coughing!).  I wonder if time passing was the only thing that really worked (except the breathing treatments); antibiotic resistant maybe?!  Take care - hang in there, you WILL feel better again!

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Cathy, time certainly helps.  The breathing treatments are a total necessity and still needing the rescue inhaler.  They changed my antibiotic twice and my steroid doses too.  I am so full of steroids I could play on a national baseball team if I only felt up to it...lol...steroids in my nasal spray, steroids in my breathing treatment and steroids in pills to take by themselves.  And I am drinking lots and lots of water and eating lots of my chicken soup.  I am so convinced that does so much good.    I think I am slowly getting better as long as I stay very quiet.  So hard for me to do.  I developed my asthma as an adult.  The dr. said it was stressed induced following several bouts of bronchitis brought on by the farmers spraying their cotton with defoliant.  They say there's nothing in it that would hurt anyone.  My reply was well it must have something harmful in it because it makes every bit of green foliage fall off those plants and we aren't too far from plant based ourselves.  And I believe they have proven what damage was caused in Viet Nam when they used it.  Interesting.  I can not help wondering why so many people from all over the nation have contracted the same sinus/respiratory stuff this spring.  I swear...it's hit everyone I know.  It's like the flu epidemic.


Now...my plan...hurry up and get well...I have stuff to do.  I'm a busy woman and I don't have time for this sick stuff, plus I don't like it. Thanks everyone.    

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Oma, I know exactly how you feel about breathing.  I too use the pocket emergency inhaler, and also have the desk top inhaler for the Albuterol Sulfate, which I use 1 -4 times a day as needed.


Here in central NC, the winters are dry, very low humidity, so have to use the humidifier,  Spring is worst with the horrible pine pollen and so many plants bursting into bloom, farmers tilling and planting.  Summer is so hot and very high humidity it is hard to breathe, just to get 20 or so feet from the house into the car.


We lived in CA, not easy on pollen, Texas, was also bad, and Or. wasn't too bad for me, but I also didn't know I have COPD.


I was born in west side of Wash. State,  breathe quite easy there...   and now here.  Wish I could move, most anywhere from the Rockies to the Pacific..  Just would love somewhere else.


So Keep that little inhaler handy, remember to inhale thru the nose and purse your lips to exhale, as it helps keep your breathing more relaxed.

Living with COPD, asthma, empazema  and  allergies indoors and outdoors doesn't make life easier.  When well controlled it makes life a bit easier.


All these things aside,  I pray you have a good pulmonologist..  It really pays and they know so much more than an internal medicine Dr., or ER Dr.s. 


Prayers for health issues, and all other besides....



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