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M&M Wheels Versus Bliss Drive

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With Barb M's help my bliss will be arriving early August. :)

Wait! It gets better! Barb will be here later August to install it for me and give my millie a spa treatment. Yay!

Only one thing could make it better..... a spa treatment for me! Just saying.....

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We are in the process of finalizing all the photo updates of our machines on the website and in our literature. Just FYI, all new APQS stand up machines now come with horizontal wheels.




Let me know if you have additional questions about either the M & M wheels or Bliss. :)

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LOL, I'm really not trying nor wanting to start a war.


Have any of you gals wanting new rails searched the internet for them?  I've not, don't have the time, nor the need right now.   Might solve a lot of problems, Teresa..


Or search dealers who have upgraded and ask if they have the others to sell you for the upright set up??


I will stick with my vertical wheels.. and the current rail set up.  It works great for me. 


Glad to hear of upgrades for Lenni, Dawn.




The only thing I regret now is not getting a machine that has the fabric advance.



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Janice, neat idea.  I haven't searched anywhere for the rails, but I didn't even think about being able to replace them.


Jim, thanks for the help. I'll email you pictures later.  It looks like a simple matter of taking a grinding wheel to the table and smoothing out the rough spots, but I can't get a quilt off of it long enough to get that done, seems like.  As soon as this one comes off we are going to try to fix it, somehow. 

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