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Panto question

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We finally have our first little quilt on the frame and the panto looks great (imho) but...what do we do when we get to the end of the pattern? 

I guess a better question is does it matter it the quilt isn't quilted all the way to the edge?


This particular pattern, Oma's Garden, is awesome but it's really hard to quilt all the way to the edge because it's curvy and once it falls off the edge it's a real pain to get it back on.


I was thinking maybe we need to baste the edges of the quilt as we go so that it doesn't have such a problem with getting the batting and quilt top all bunched up?


I know it's early and I may not be very clear but I'm hoping someone understands what I'm trying to say.




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Hi, I've heard of a few different ways people do pantos. First, I would baste down sides after you roll your quilt and before you start stitching. Here's a few options: some folks sew off the fabric to complete the row, others come up with a way to continue the design without stopping at edge, just work it into the next row. What I do is stop at basted edge and lock my stitches and fill in the same way. Then go back to beginning and start again. I hope this helps. I'm sure others will chime in too, have fun. K

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i'm not a big panto girl, but when i do them, this is how.

i put the panto under the plastic sheeting on the table.

then i mark the sheeting where the laser hits at edges of the quilt with masking tape so i know about where to start & stop.

i baste the sides with each advance.

at the start and stop of the rows i backstitch a bit to secure the stitches.

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