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I just wanted to let all of you know that you sharing every aspect of quilting, from joys to trials to venting is a treat. I just recently had a bout with a kidney stone and when the pain was driving me crazy I would get on this site and by reading all of your stories helped me to get by.

So to all of you who think of something to post and change your mind because you feel it may be silly or that you are tooting your own horn a bit to much. Please post because there may be some poor soul out there that needs that giggle or that wow, I know that I sure did and it helped.


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Guest Linda S

Oh Sheryl - I have had the extreme displeasure of having a kidney stone before also! When all you can do is sit at home on pain meds, a site like this is indeed a life saver. I hope you never get another one of those. My doc says no diet pop, no tea, and no rhubarb!


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I feel for you Sheryl, that is a bummer!

My husband came down with one this past September, & I thought he was dying!:o

I would not wish this on any one & I hope you are on the mend very soon!

Get well soon~ Thinking of you for better days ahead!;)

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Hi Sheryl - I'm so sorry to hear that you had to go through that. Hopefully, you are on the mend.

There are have been many times for me that I was down, or not feeling well, or just bummed about something and I come here and just observe & read. Great therepy and it doesn't cost anything for the visit!!! I too want to thank everyone.

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Hey, I'm sorry you had a kidney stone. My niece has had them, and I know they are extremely painful. I think it was very sweet of you to post this message. It came to me like a Valentine message today. My hubby is far away taking care of his mom, so I thank you for making me feel loved with your words. And I'm glad YOU'RE here too, Sheryl! :)

Also, my niece has been on the Adkins diet, and ever since she hasn't had a kidney stone at all. Maybe you should ask your doctor about different diets and how they affect your kidney. I think everyone should know these things as well, so we'll take better care of ourselves.

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I love you all.

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My first bout with kidney stones was when I was 21 and 7 months pregnant; a year later (after many many attacks) I had major surgery to remove them( that was 29 years ago). I had one more surgery though less radical 18 years ago and have had lots of attacks since then but no surgeries thank God. Then now have a better way of exploding them so you don't have to be cut open. The last series of attacks was 1 1/2 years ago and the memories are still very fresh; I can identify with you! I now carry Demerol with me (if you can keep from throwing up from pain long enough for them to kick in@) they do help to take the edge off. I always say that I would much rather have a baby than a kidney stone, it is that painful! But somehow God always puts things in perspective for me. Everytime I have had a kidney stone something has happened around me or to people I love that has made me realize that it could be worse. Around the time of my second surgery a friend went through a year of operations and kemo for breast cancer. I wouldn't have traded! They have tried to figure out what causes mine but think it is hereditary in my case. My dad has passed a few of them and several of my uncles have had to had surgery. At first they restricted my Calcium intake but further studies show that kidney stones are a different kind of Calcium and you should actually be increasing your calcium intake, especially women. I only get a stone every 5-10 years so if I was on a special diet for a short time I don't think that would be a good indicator of a cure for me. Patty wrote about the Atkins Diet helping; read up on this diet, in the long run this is a very very unhealthy way to live. No thanks, I personally think fruits and vegetables and a variety of other food groups too is a much healthier for me. Don't know if anyone really knows how to control them, but you should know that you need a scan that will show where the sone is and if it is lodged in some obsure place. Taking these factors into consideration they will decide whether to disolve it with ultrasonic waves or other methods, or just let you try and pass it. I assume since you were home they were hoping you could pass it on your own. Good luck. Oh girl I know how you're feeling!

You are right, this group is awesome. Sometimes I'm not sick or anything but cooped up with kids and I get on here and just laugh or exclaim over some work that someone has done. I am soooooo glad there are other people that have my "Needle Disease" and enjoy it as much as I. I have the Needle Disease bad, I not only love my sewing machine and my Milli but I also love cross stitch and embroidery and want to learn Hardanger. My husband wants me to channel my work all towards just sewing. So far I have just ignored him and its working YET!

Love you all. Happy Valentines Day. My gift is my Milli and will have to be my Christmas and Valentine's and Mother's day gifts for a long long long time.


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I know exactly what you mean. I am currently on the mend from some surgery myself, just got back to the LA yesterday. But during the time I could not sew, it was great to read the posts from all of the wonderful people on this forum. Another reason to have an APQS.

Hope you get to feeling better soon Sheryl, I had kidney stones in my late twenties and personally, I think the pain is worse than child birth!!!!

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Originally posted by lizziesgirl

I just wanted to let all of you know that you sharing every aspect of quilting, from joys to trials to venting is a treat. I just recently had a bout with a kidney stone and when the pain was driving me crazy I would get on this site and by reading all of your stories helped me to get by.

So to all of you who think of something to post and change your mind because you feel it may be silly or that you are tooting your own horn a bit to much. Please post because there may be some poor soul out there that needs that giggle or that wow, I know that I sure did and it helped.



I hope your feeling a lot better and that you don't have any more problems, I've never had one (hope I never do) I hear they hurt pretty bad.

Have a wonderful day!!


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